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HORSEMAN resorts to the city,
With his white dogs, and large horns;
I, who have not before seen thee, know thee not.

p. 289

II. A horseman resorts to the river's mouth,
On a stout and warlike steed;
Come with me, let me not be refused.

III. I will not go that way at present;
Bear with the conduct of the delayer;
And may the blessing of heaven and earth come (upon thee).

IV, Thou, who hast not seen me daily,
And who resemblest a prudent man,
How long wilt thou absent thyself, and when wilt thou come?

V. When I return from Caer Seon,
From contending with Jews,
I will come to the city of Lleu and Gwidion.

VI. Come with me into the city,
Thou shalt have wine which I have set apart,
And pure gold on thy clasp.

VII. I know not the confident man,
Who owns a fire and a couch;
Fairly and sweetly dost thou speak.

VIII. Come with me to my dwelling,
Thou shalt have high foaming wine.
My name is Ugnach, the son of Mydno.

IX. Ugnach! a blessing on thy throne!
And mayst thou have grace and honour!
I am Taliessin who will repay thee thy banquet.

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X. Taliessin, chief of men.
Victor in the contest of song,
Remain here until Wednesday.

XI. Ugnach! the most affluent in riches,
Grace be to thee from the highest region;
I will not deserve blame; I will not tarry.

Next: XVII. Red Book of Hergest XXII.