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(1)............. tested.(2) Behold [the ointment which you] put on your eye when you (3) approach the vessel of inquiry alone: green eye-paint, (4) stibium, qes-ankh (?), amulet of ..., flowers of black sher-o (?) (5) which are beans (?), blood of hoopoe, (6) pound, [make] into a ball, and paint your eye with it, together with juice (7) of Egyptian (?) grapes, and set-stone(?) of Ethiopia; then (8) you see the shadow of every god and every goddess.

(9) Its .......... 'I invoke you (plur.), ye great gods who shine with the sun, Themouks (10) Amp ... Piam, Enpaia, Eiboth, Eiae, Sabaoth, (11) open (?) to me (bis), ye great gods who shine with the sun, let my eyes be opened to the (12) light, and let me see the god who inquires to-day, hasten (bis) for the protection. (13) Ablanathanalba, the mighty god, Marara, Atone, Abeiath, (14) N .... Senen(?), [Psh]oi, Zatraperkemei, Osiris,(15) Lilam is his name. Open to me (bis), ye great gods, let my eyes be opened to the light, (16) and let me see the god who inquires to-day. Open to me (bis). I cast the fury on you (plur.) of the great (bis) god, (17) .... whose might is great (?),

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who lives for ever, give power to the name (?) (18) ........ the name of the god (?) ....... open to me (bis), (19) ye great [gods] who shine with the sun, let [my eyes] be opened [to the light, and let] me (20) [see the god] who answers to-day, hasten (bis) ... times ...'

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