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(1) Chamaemelon. 'Clean-straw' is its name.

(2) Leucanthemon. 'Prick-horse' (?) is its name.

(3) Crinanthemon. 'None is better than I' is its name.

(4) Chrysanthemon, 'Fine-face' is its name, otherwise

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said 'the gold flower' (5) of the wreath-seller; its leaf is strong, its stem is cold (?), (6) its flower is golden; its leaf is like crinanthemon.

(7) Magnesia, (8) manesia.(9) A stone of ..... black like (10) stibium; when you grind it, it is black.

(11) Magnes. Magnesia viva; it is brought (i.e. imported?).

(12) Maknes. When you scrape it, it is black.

(13) Maknes of man. It is brought (14) from India (?); when you scrape it (15) it exudes blood.

(16) To drug (?) your enemy; (17) an apshe-beetle (?); you burn it with styrax (?), (18) you pound it together with one drachma of apple (19) and a ..... and you .... (20) and you put a ........

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