LIBER XLIV THE MASS OF THE PHOENIX RI WKH &DNHV RI /LJKW ,Q WKH 6LJQ RI WKH (QWHUHU KH UHDFKHV :HVW DFURVV WKH $OWDU DQG FULHV 7KH 0DJLFLDQ KLV EUHDVW EDUH VWDQGV EHIRUH DQ DOWDU RQ ZKLFK DUH KLV %XULQ %HOO 7KXULEOH DQG WZR Hail Ra, that goest in thy bark Into the caverns of the Dark! +H JLYHV WKH VLJQ RI 6LOHQFH DQG WDNHV WKH %HOO DQG )LUH LQ KLV KDQGV East of the Altar see me stand With light and musick in my hand! +H VWULNHV (OHYHQ WLPHV XSRQ WKH %HOO and places the Fire in the Thurible. I strike the Bell: I light the Flame; I utter the mysterious Name. ABRAHADABRA +H VWULNHV HOHYHQ WLPHV XSRQ WKH %HOO Now I begin to pray: Thou Child, Holy Thy name and undefiled! Thy reign is come; Thy will is done. Here is the Bread; here is the Blood. Bring me through midnight to the Sun! Save me from Evil and from Good! That Thy one crown of all the Ten Even now and here be mine. AMEN. +H SXWV WKH ILUVW &DNH RQ WKH )LUH RI WKH 7KXULEOH I burn the Incense-cake, proclaim These adorations of Thy name. WKHQ PDNHV XSRQ KLV EUHDVW WKH SURSHU VLJQ +H PDNHV WKHP DV LQ /LEHU /HJLV DQG VWULNHV DJDLQ (OHYHQ WLPHV XSRQ WKH %HOO :LWK WKH %XULQ KH Behold this bleeding breast of mine Gashed with the sacramental sign! +H SXWV WKH VHFRQG &DNH WR WKH ZRXQG I stanch the Blood; the wafer soaks It up, and the high priest invokes! +H HDWV WKH VHFRQG &DNH _____________________________________________________________________________________ This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear As I enflame myself with prayer: "There is no grace: there is no guilt: This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!" +H VWULNHV (OHYHQ WLPHV XSRQ WKH %HOO DQG FULHV ABRAHADABRA. I entered in with woe; with mirth I now go forth, and with thanksgiving, To do my pleasure on the earth Among the legions of the living. +H JRHWK IRUWK _____________________________________________________________________________________